Global Presence
We’re on a mission to open access to financial opportunities and global trade. We embrace change, love to build, and thrive on ownership and growth.
TrueUSD Team
To guide and manage the development and scaling up of TUSD as it evolves into an industry leading stablecoin, TUSD is led and advised by a dynamic team from a range of complementary backgrounds including those with extensive experience from reputable financial institutions, renowned IT firms and dynamic blockchain entrepreneurs.
Our History
The TrueUSD team owns a friendly cooperative relationship with the TrustToken team. The TrustToken team supports TrueUSD in operations, compliance, and banking relations, collaborating to drive higher standards for customer experience, increased marketing budget, growing engineering resources, and more adequate liquidity support. Today, TrueUSD has accomplished many milestones and will continue to strive for TUSD to reach maximum potential while maintaining a commitment to transparency and security. 
  • APR 2018 - TUSD is launched as the first USD stablecoin operated by a regulated operator
  • MAY 2018 - TUSD lists on Binance
  • SEP 2018 - Market cap exceeds $100 million
  • AUG 2019 - TUSD launches on Binance Chain
  • SEP 2020 - Market cap exceeds $500 million
  • JAN 2021 - TUSD engages Armanino LLP, a leading US accountant firm, for real-time reserve auditing
  • MAR 2021 - TUSD launches natively on Avalanche Chain
  • APR 2021 - TUSD  launches natively on TRON Chain
  • JUN 2021 - TUSD circulation exceeds $1.7 billion
  • AUG 2021 - TrustToken, the founder of TUSD, receives $12.5 million investment from a16z, Alameda, etc.
  • SEP 2021 - Simplex, a crypto payment services provider, fully integrates TUSD for fiat on- and off-ramp
  • OCT 2021 - TUSD announces the launch of Fountain Incentive Program to turbocharge the growth of its DeFi ecosystem
  • JUL 2022 - TUSD gets deployed on the Optimism chain via the Optimism Bridge
  • OCT 2022 -TUSD is granted statutory status as authorized digital currency in the Commonwealth of Dominica
  • FEB 2023 - TUSD implements Chainlink’s Proof of Reserves to secure minting and further ensure transparency and reliability
  • MAR 2023 - TUSD engages The Network Firm LLP, an independent US accounting firm specialised in the blockchain industry, to provide real time attestation for its USD reserve coverage rate
  • APR 2023 - TUSD Launches native on BNB Smart Chain. TUSD has been successfully circulating on 5 native public chains and 7 other public chains via cross-chain solutions
Who we are
Bringing together the best technical, legal, and financial talent around the world.
In The News
Our Values
Seek Truth
We venture forward with curiosity, awareness, and empathy.
Embody Renaissance Ambition
We continually strive to become our best selves.
Make Good Things Easy
We create habits and systems to help us towards our goals.
Do these speak to you? We are always looking for great people to join our growing team.